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    Saleem Shahzad is a well-known poet of Modern Urdu Poem. He has introduced a new symbolic narrative. His poetry reflects the true image of contemporary society. These subjects cover the internal affairs of human being and his life. This research Paper “Ma Siwa ki Nazmen aur Saleem Shahzad ka Alamti Byania” Present the Critical view about the poems and diction of the poet.

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    ڈاکٹر طارق محمود ہاشمیؔ / محمد صفدر ضیائی

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    After the establishment of Pakistan, Urdu novel has encompassed different political issues. One of them is the most significant that describes brutal act of the British. Many instances regarding exploitative cruelty during British raj, exercised upon the land of India came to light. With the advent of the 20th century a new chapter of British barbarity started. Afterwards the Muslim enmity of the Hindus began to enrich.

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    محمد خرم اسسٹنٹ پروفیسر اردو

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    Saleem ur Rehman stands out prominently among the galaxy of the modern Urdu poets. He exercised different techniques in writing and introducing new aesthetic style in poetry. He presented the dry philosophical thoughts into modern poetry without compromising its beautiful and aesthetic sense. His poetry does not present typical subjects, rather diversity of topics presented in it, is the real hall mark of his poetry. His poetry is reflective of creative and artistic aesthetic sense. His poetry represents various subjects and their manifold connotations and interpretation. In addition to the aforesaid qualities, it also keeps us abreast of the current knowledge of the world that adds to the aesthetic appeal of his poetry. In the pertaining article, the aesthetic factors of his poetry have been dealt in.

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    آصف علی لیکچرر اردو

  • Volume : 1 Issue : 1 Year: 2020

    فکرِ اقبال اور امیدِ فردا

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    Iqbal's tenure as a poet can be termed as the most difficult period for Muslims of subcontinent. This nation was in the denial stage, preoccupied with disappointments, resentment and with no direction. They were of low esteem and fed up of themselves. Iqbal, a strong believer of faith played a key role in the renaissance of his nation and pulled them out of dangerous zone. History can't forget his role as a reformer for Muslim nation. Iqbal wanted to rebuild the stature of Muslims as a great nation. For this purpose, he girded up his loins, worked incessantly, pulled them out of darkness. Iqbal's poetry is a vivid reflection of hope and success. His message is sound and clear. His poetry contains the hope for the wonderful future of humans. His poetic verses present the detailed program for the survival as well as the religio-ethical norms of humanity. It also gives solid suggestions for the splendor future of young generation in a poetic way. Through Iqbal's ideology we not only realize the realities of life but also get guidance towards such ethical system which will bind us to our origin. It also leads us to our innate positive attitudes. Iqbal's writings act as beacon of light in darkness. This piece of writing will highlight Iqbal's efforts and ideology to create a hope of better future in his nation's minds.

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    ڈاکٹر سبینہ اویس اعوان

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    Insightfulness is a popular genre shifting from English to Urdu literature. In nonfiction, it is a genre that shows the brightest thing about possibilities. This is why the insurer looks at the same thing from different angles because of the depth of thoughts and the observations. In the insights, life matters are presented with new angles. Insider creates insights by talking to them instead of finalizing personal experiences. There is no definitive conclusion to any kind of consultation rather, the conversation ends at a beautiful point with brief summary. Sir Syed Ahmad khan along with his writing colleagues introduced modern Urdu prose in a new way and this was what led to the promotion of insanity. In this regard Dr. Wazeer Agha index book Khayal pary , takes precedence. Asmat ullah, Faheem Azmi, Akber Hammedi ,. Saleem Akhter, Anjum Niazi , Nasir Abas Nayer , Mushtaq Qamar and Jameel Azar played a significant role in advancing this series of insights. Thus in the Urdu literature , where Inshaya Nigari has briefly proclaimed itself , in the region of Bahawalpur, it was written about this genre and the beautiful nightmares came into view. In this regard, there is uniqueness for Hakeem Zafar Zaidi, Roshan Ara Rao, Muhammad Saleem Malik Haider Qureshi , Munawar usmani and Azhar Adeeb , as well as many insider.

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    ڈاکٹر سائرہ ارشاد

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    Elements of Scientific Fantasy in Urdu Novel Fantasy is an element of legend or a story which is weird ridiculous and far from reality.Science fantasy is a part of it which can be seen in any genre of fiction.Therein humans of future and life on other planets other than the earth is projected.Movies and dramas predominantly employ science fantasy.Science fantasy has crept into Urdu novel through the influences of eastern dastaans and western novels.The piece attempts to find out and analyse the elements of science fantasy in Urdu novels

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    ڈاکٹرعبدالشکور لیکچرار شعبہءاردو فیڈرل گورنمنٹ پوسٹ گریجویٹ کالج ایچ ایٹ،اسلام آباد

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    Urdu became the official language in 1889 in Kashmir Territory. The strong efforts were made by the Kashmiri Pundits who wrote the non fiction prose books in this language. This trend in Pundits to write in Urdu language forced Dogra Rulers to adopt this language as an official. This article shows the tradition and trend to adopt this language as the medium of communication among Kashmiri people in the form of non fiction prose.

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    ڈاکٹرآزاد ایوب بٹ گوسو، ضلع پلوامہ،کشمیر

  • Volume : 1 Issue : 2 Year: 2020

    گیان چند جین کی اشکؔ شناسی

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    Abstract: Gayan Chand Jain is well known researcher and linguist in Urdu Literature. He wrote a book on fiction of Opinder Naath Ashk which covers all creative work of Ashk. Here in this article the researcher aims to evaluate and interpret this work of Gayan Chand Jain. Keywords: Opinder Naath Ashk, Drama, Anju Baji, Afsana, Novel, Girti Dewarain, Haqeeqat Nigari, Khatoot, Kirdaar Nigari.

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    ایم۔ خالد فیاض، ایسوسی ایٹ پروفیسر

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    ABSTRACT The article under review is an attempt to critically analyze the paradigm of translation applied by Prof Lateef uzZama'n in 'Mehr e Neemroz' and 'Maktoobat e Ghalib'. It is pertinent to mention that he has strictly followed the basic principles of translation. Moreover, he pays special attention to research and editing factors also. In his translations literary and critical style is prominent

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    منیبہ زہرا نقوی اسسٹنٹ پروفیسر اردو

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    Abstract : Mostly, it has observed about Ghalib's poetry that it neglected pinching reality of colonial era which paralyzed social and political growth of the natives of subcontinent.It is titled to him that he was introvert and puppet of the colonial masters who merely pursuit his worldliness. However, the The post-colonial close-reading of Ghalib's poetry proved all that hypothesis wrong. The Reader oriented study related to post-colonialism has justified the character and poetry of Ghalib aptly. According to this study, Ghlaib felt pain and knew all the treachery of the colonialists. He understood dire situation of the downtrodden closely and lamented the woes of the victimized indians in his poetry. As a laurel crowned poet and observer of poor condition of India, Ghalib had used all his creative technique in metaphorical level which described nuisance of subcontinent skillfully. An attempt has been initiated in this research paper to exlore the post-colonial dimensions of Ghalib's poetry.

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    محمد راشد سعیدی لیکچرر اردو

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    . Dr.Iqbal had a very intense devotion for Molana Romi, which could be clearly seen in his poetical work that was deeply influenced by Roomi's reflections. Iqbal glorified Romi both in prose and poetry and a very well-known poem of Dr. Iqbal, Peer.o.Mureed can be mentioned in this regard. The dramatic technique of Peer.o.Mureed has played an important role to attract the attention of literary circles. The poem Introduce two characters i.e. A saint/Peer who portrays Romi and his disciple/Mureed that is the poet (Iqbal). The whole poem contains 24 dialogues between the saint and his disciple in total. The poem draws light upon Iqbal's vast vision by his questions which are about Jihaad or the holy struggle in life, human being, Destinism, the day of judgment, the existence of soul and heart and the reality of Islam. Moreover the poet inquires about self control, subjugation of the universe, abasement of Muslims, dictatorship Patriotism, nationalism, monarchy, Marxism Fascism, anti religious approach in European civilizations ,vulgarity in their culture, Inactivity and passivity of Muslims ,imitation of the Western world, and the reality of self awareness etc. Whereas Molana Romi responds to each question in a scholarly and philosophic manner. The following article discusses all the topics which are mentioned above.

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    ڈاکٹر بادشاہ منیر بخاری

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    Different nations of the world appear to be concerned about their civilization and identity. Muslims living in western countries face particular problems in this regard. The way in which western media has embraced Muslim identity since 9/11 is now a symbol of terrorism and extremism. Due to this world war, the lives of the people of Iraq and Afghanistan have become a question mark. Pakistan is not only an important country but after 9/11 the better field for world power Afghanistan has been considered neighbouring and friendly country of Pakistan.Urdu short story has always been about social change at the human level. The sad scenes that led to the patrician of India and the after situation of the collapse of Dhaka made the creative experience of Urdu writers after their experiences and time the marshals that followed were not able to repel these creators even with the atmosphere of repression and freedom of experession. The change in the world after the attacks on the world tradse center and the pentagon did not preserve Urdu short stories at the creation level. In this regard rasheed amjad, manshayad, zahida hina,hamid siraj and many other writers of the country made the theme of cultural and religious influences ,which can be traced to the profound influence of 9/11 urdu short story literature

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    ڈاکٹر سائرہ ارشاد

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    Literary journals serve as a reflection of the intellectual and creative trends of their time. Magazines and journals are the greatest source of enlightenment from new literary movements and new perspectives. Literary magazine Saveera (Lahore) has been instrumental in promoting the tradition of Urdu fiction. In addition to publishing special editions of Urdu fiction, it enriched the tradition of Urdu fiction by publishing and representing the works of important and renowned fiction writers of the subcontinent.

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    کوثر پروین/ڈاکٹر شگفتہ حسین

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    It is being said continuously that the research work on Iqbal has been done to such an extent that there is no need or demand for more, so now it has become an assumption and further reflection on Iqbal’s life, thought and art has been avoided. The statement is not issued in the recognition of Iqbal’s grandeur not greatness, but is simply to prevent further work on Iqbal; otherwise no basic work has been done on Iqbal instead of talking about the scope of research on Iqbal. In fact, apart from Iqbal’s Urdu and Persian poetry collection and other his work, Iqbal’s prose could not yet presented according to modern methodology of editing in a single volume. This was to be done at the institutional level, but so far no practical steps have been taken, so after many years of waiting and frustration, I decided to carry the burden on my own weak shoulders. Although the difference between the institutional and the individual is obvious, I have tried as much as possible to present an initial outline of Iqbal’s prose, which could later be amended and augmented to pave the way for the approach of a complete volume.

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    ڈاکٹر خالد ندیم

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    Woman is a mysterious and most beautiful creation of Allah Almighty but in the man's society she is a most crippled and deprived existence of world. From the ancient age to the present day women's character is under discussion by both of aspects. The literature of all civilizations is inhabited with the remembrance of the woman. In Urdu literature poets and writers have present the women in countless magnificent. Tahira Iqbal is a renowned short story writer in Urdu literature. Her stories are the symbol of Punjab's charm, culture and traditions. Women is a spinning point of her art, in her short stories woman's character is under discussion with moral, social and psychological intricacies. This is a zone where women is a name of time change, she is no more a silent victim of oppression but a light of rising spirit for the seek of liberty, rights and entire peace. Yet she is not a conqueror but the struggle is not to be end.

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    رضوانہ نقوی

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    Urdu fiction went through a substantial change during the colonial period. The colonial discourse narrated and disseminated through different technologies of educational subjugation and epistemological usurpation in official and historical works brought forth some serious changes in the world view of Urdu fiction writers. They discovered and presented the subjectivity of the colonialized. This essay presents some preliminary insights to understand and analyze the colonial Urdu fiction.

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    Dr. Muhammad Naeem Virk, ڈاکٹر محمد نعیم ورک

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    Fehmida Riaz was born on 28th of July, 1945 in Meerut UP India and shifted to Pakistan after her father transfer to Hyderabad Sindh. She is a well-known Urdu writer and poet and famous for strong feminist and anti-establishment leanings. She had started writing at a very young age and managed her own Urdu Publication named “Awaz”, which was later on banned by the government for its revolutionary vision and liberal view. Civilization is said to be a complex human society, usually made up of different countries / cities, with certain characteristics of cultural and technological development. The undergo research article is based on analysis of civilization in Fehmida Riaz poetry (Nazm) in the light of her book “Dhoop”.

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    Dr. Rubina Shaheen/ Dr. Antal Zia, ڈاکٹر روبینہ شاہین۔

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    This article seeks to evaluate distnuguished Urdu critic Shamsur Rahman Faruqi's contributions to Urdu Literature in general and in criticism particularly. In early phase of his literay career, he was heavily influenced by Western critical ideas but with the passage of time he became crtical of Western literary notions. He came to believe that poetry, fiction and other imaginative writings are deeply embedded in their respective indigenous cultures. Hence, Faruqi resorted to study of classical Persian and Urdu Literature in the light of their own poetics. This article sets out to delineate Faruqui's theoretical considerations and practical implications of the poetics of classical Urdu Ghazal and Urdu Dastan. That poetics is local and cultural is a postcolonial idea put forth in the backdrop of hegemonic imposition of Western literary cannonistion.

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    پروفیسر ڈاکٹر ناصر عباس نیر

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    The tradition of sermons in the history of the world is as old as man himself. Prophets, reformers, philosophers, intellectuals, politicians, generals, every individual who excelled in knowledge and wisdom or wealth or power and might, he needed to address others. This tradition has been very strong in the history of Islam itself, in which the most important sermon was given by the Holy Prophet himself in the farewell pilgrimage. Of course, writers and scholars continue to give speeches based on sermons and advice in ceremonies, conferences, gatherings and meetings, but they are not taken into consideration in the study. This study deals with sermons which have been organized by an organization under its own specific project or national intellectual need. Eminent scholars are requested to present their sermons or papers. The scholars are given enough time to work on their proposed sermons by academic, literary, educational, religious or national organizations to present to the selected people.

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    ڈاکٹر خالد ندیم

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    Rajinder Manchanda Baani was a well known trend setter modern poet of Delhi.He wrote three poetry books. He was born in Multan and migrated to India after 1947. In this article, his relation with Multan and some other discoveries have been compiled to enhance the history of literarture.

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    DR. Tariq Mahmood, ڈاکٹر طارق محمود

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    From Ruler to Literate Role Model: Queen Victoria in Urdu Verse and Novel Literature presents the changes in social and cultural values of a society. Urdu world saw substantial changes during colonial period. Its literature presents some of these changes in verse and prose. After the failure of war of independence and the establishment of Queen Victoria’s rule in 1857, the Indian subjects tried to rehabilitate themselves in new circumstances. Literature was one form for them to start a dialogue with new ruler. In Urdu Qaseeda and Novel presented Queen Victoria as ruler and a literate role model. These representations were also gave Urdu writers a chance to negotiate about the space and place of women in society. Queen helps them to rethink about the position and capabilities of women in a male dominant society.

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    Dr. Sumera Umar. ڈاکٹر سمیرا عمر

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    Globalization is the order of the day in almost every literary and intellectual discussion all across the board. In the name of Globalization, the third world is being made subservient to the advanced nations. Advertisement paves the way in this regard. Keeping the trend in view, in this article, it has been analyzed that how advertisement marks its impact on the masses and try to make them transnational by disengaging them only from their own cultural roots and how far this manipulation of the public proves successful.

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    Muhammad Abbas. محمد عباس

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    Today, man lives in narratives.Therefore, effects of narratives can not be denied.Many narratives are formed and refuted overtime. Postmodernism too rejects the meganarratives and on other hand promotes local narratives. Every truth and ideology that claims universality and absolutism is mega narrative. Tarar's novel "Qala-i-Jangi" is set against the backdrop of Afghan Jihad (war). In this novel process of construction and deconstruction of many mega narratives, cultural narrative and especially the religious jihadinarrative have been fictionized. The characters in the novel which are part of the Afghan war are tied to the mega narrative of Jihad. After being pushed into this war when they have a chance to take a closer look at the situation, many facts are revealed before them. As a result theses mega narratives are refuted. This research article explores and presents the process of construction and deconstruction of the mega narratives.

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    M. Yousuf Noon/ Dr. Qazi Abid..محمد یوسف نون/ ڈاکٹر قاضی عابد

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    This study is an attempt to analyze the diverse postulates of style and technique in western novel. Style and technique have undergone great creativity and phenomenal stylistic prolixity, as such they are considered to be most elusive and often ambiguous. It is difficult, therefore, to highlight the overall stylistic and technical postulates in a precise and exact manner. This is specially because each writer has his or her own personal style and technique of writing adopted either consciously or unconsciously, resulting in variations of novelistic style. The main objective of this article is to discuss the different aspects of style and technique in western novel.

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    Dr. Amir Sohail/ Muhammad Dawood Rahat. ڈاکٹر عامر سہیل/محمد داؤد راحت

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    Hindu religion is closely interlinked with mythology and it is not possible to study the different dimensions of this religion without proper knowledge of mythology. It is one of the major religions of the world originating on the land of Indian subcontinent and comprised of several beliefs, and rituals. Hindus not even worship their Gods and Goddess but also praises and connected with their allied things and places. Qurat ul Ain Haider a famous Urdu Novelist and Short story writer of twentieth century in her work describes the mythological characters of several Hindu deities like Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, Ram, Arjan, Kirshan etc. She elaborated different stories and also shed light on different religious & mythological places, cities, rivers, plants and animals of Hindu religion.

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    Shabbeer Ahmad/ Dr. Muhammad Altaf Yousuf Zai. شبیر احمد / ڈاکٹرمحمد الطاف یوسف زئی۔

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    Prem Chand is one of the pioneers of Urdu Afsana writers. His stories are very near to life. He has been promoting basic ethical values through his stories. His main emphasis was to the values of promote humanity, justice, equality, sacrifice and gratitude. Mostly his characters belong to rural life, where landlords and Mahajans have been oppressing the poor. Prem Chand highlighted such oppressions in his stories and gave the way outs to stop these oppressions.

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    Nematullah/ Dr. Asgar Ali Baloch. نعمت اللہ/ ڈاکٹر اصغر علی بلوچ

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    Saeem Chishti is a famous name in Naatiya literature. He does not let the aspect of respect go unnoticed in the context of Madhat-e-Nabi and works with utmost care. He does not write Naat only for himself but his purpose is to enlighten the heart of every soul with the love of Prophet (PBUH). Saeem Chishti has excellent access to vocabulary so his words seem to shine like jewels in the description of subjects. Love for the Holy Prophet is the first condition and this love is seen in the words of Saeem Chishti. He studied the life of the Prophet in depth and in his intellectual and spiritual consciousness. He made almost every aspect of the attributes of the Prophet the subject of his Naat. Saeem Chishti's works is a great source of Naatiya literature which will benefit the reader of all times.

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    Mahboob Ahmad/ Dr. Nazar e Abid. محبوب احمد/ ڈاکٹر نذر عابد

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    Interview is an art and a tool of research (data collection, assessment and evaluation.) It is also used in psychoanalysis and catharsis. It exposes the human being’s psychology and innerself. Normally two persons involves in an interview; interviewer and interviewee. It may be a panel interview or individual. Interviewer uses different tools to conduct an interview. Interview of literary personalities explore their biography, intellectual thoughts and literary aspects. Asif Farrukhi in “Harfe Mun o Tu” compiled interviews of different literary personalities of Urdu Literature. Litrary Interview is progressing to become a genre of literature. Interview is a useful and direct source of knowledge collected and interpreted by the interviewer. Reader can observe and collect biographical, historical, intellectual and literary knowledge and data.

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    Muhammad Farooq/ Dr. Zafar Hussain Haral..محند فاروق/ ڈاکٹر ظفر حسین ہرل

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    Abstract: Language is social need of humanity but if the question arises on the basis of gender as to whose role has been fundamental and important to this formation process then the structure and internal evidence of most languages show that there is much lesser feminine touch in it. Because of masculine domination, structure of most of the languages show that man is superior while woman is considered weak, fragile and inferior. In contemporary age some linguists are trying to make language neutral. The aim of eradicating the prevailing notions of masculinity and femininity by promoting gender neutral language is also to eradicate the notions found in the society, which are based on man fulfilling his social needs. For this, it is very important that the speeches which are biased when calling a gender are not encouraged . There are a number of words, idioms and proverbs in Urdu that express the ancient social concepts of gender and express men's feelings of gender superiority and, conversely, feminine inferiority, as in dictionaries. In the meanings given to man, not only his gender meaning is recorded but also all the notions of bravery, superiority, glory and splendour are present in the society since ancient times.

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    Dr. Tariq Hashmi / Dr. Sumera Akbar

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    This article explores the individualistic and cultural elements in Jahan-e-Danish which is a distinguished Urdu autobiography mirroring the characteristics such as poverty and helplessness, great courage, purity of emotions, and novelty of similes. Moreover, we find pasteurization of scenes as well as comic and humorous features at different places in the autobiography. This article reflects the unique writing features of the author including its stylistic and methodological techniques that are important to make an autobiography a distinctive piece of literature. Furthermore, this article does not only illustrate the supernatural elements and lofty thoughts described in the novel which enhance the beauty and richness of this autobiography but also demonstrate how the author using an exclusive style of writing portrays the cultural issues through his personal experiences in a very impartial and natural manner.

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    Dr. Farhat Jabeen Virk/ Dr. Shafia Azam . .ڈاکٹر فرحت جبین ورک / ڈاکٹر شافیہ اعظم

  • Volume : 2 Issue : 1 Year: 2021

    Rekhta (2021) vol. 2, Issue 1, Complete Pdf File.

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    It is the complete reference file for downloading.

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    Department of Urdu, University of Sargodha, Sargodha.

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    Idioms are of great importance for any language because they not only embellish the language, they also tell of our social life and psychic built up. Since Nazeer Akbarabadi was a public poet, where he fills in the idioms usage beautifully, his proverbs also express public life. This article explores the research analysis for colorfulness of Nazeer's proverbs.

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    Shafqat Zahoor,/ Dr. Rukhsana Baloch. شفقت ظہور/ ڈاکٹر رخسانہ بلوچ

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    This article, The study of social realism in the classic popular Urdu Nazm with the special reference of Jaffar Zatali and Nazeer Akbar Abadi, deals with question how the popular literature may have concern to pin the social evils up creating the creative Pen- picture. This piece of research further adds value to the work of these two giants of classic Urdu Nazm as they contributed to the Urdu Nazm for what it would turn out to be after a century. This article based on the socially concerned study of Urdu Nazm aims at discussing the Stylistic and medium role in the effectiveness of the Pen Picture of the issues in the colonial age as well. Thus, it becomes a post-colonial study too as well.This paper studies the influence of two great popular poets on the literary movements that claimed great changes in the gener of Urdu Nazm later in later centuries.

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    Dr. Shabbeer Hussain / Dr. Muhammad Kamran.

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    Ideological and thematic review of Khwaja Mueen ud Deen's published dramas has been carried out in this study. History of the Indian Muslims, their forefathers' achievements, the extremist nature of Hindus and various aspects of the tragedy of migration have been discussed in it according to his historical consciousness. The problems in the early years of Pakistan which were highlighted in his dramas are still present, as it is, in the third decade of the twenty first century. Thus thematically, there is the present-time meaning in his dramas. His loves for Urdu and patriotic fervor have been described at length in this study. He wants national reform through his dramas, so that the dream of renaissance of Islam may come true by the Muslims of Pakistan

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    Jamshed Ali / Dr. Saima Irum

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    Story is one of the oldest mediums of human beings to preserve and express their experiences. The story has been existed in almost every language of humans. Folktale is an oldest form of story. The folktales encapsulate collective experiences and cultural ethos and of people. Nevertheless, Folktales travel from one language to another and they are common heritage of humans. This article explores Punjabi folktales and underscores their salient features.

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    Dr. Saeed Bhutta.

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    Literature is said to be the reflection of society whereas a story-teller is said to be the eyewitness of society. Even though a historian has, since the ancient times, been documenting the rise and fall of nations and political upheavals in true letter and spirit, but in the light of new critical discourse and consciousness of the present era, the witness of author or story-writer or a novelist has relatively more authenticity and certification in this respect that a novelist, as compared to the impassive description of a historian, delineates such a sensitive contemporary panorama in his tales, that it has diverse possible dimensions of life in it; moreover, a novelist, through his perception and insight, is able to discern the legendary pick of the lush-green valley of love even in case of hateful barren lands of warfare and cruelty whom the historian regards dead and inanimate; whereas a novelist deems the sprouts of love to be the most essential and basic cause of the creation of universe."Gul Meena", novel of Zaif Syed, is also the same sort of legend of love and infatuation of Zarjaan and Gul Meena, who belong to the tribal Pashtun regions. This is a tale of colonial imperialism, of the exploitative scams of foreign powers and of the desired interpretation of religion by native warring organizations, growing increasingly in tribal areas of Pakistan; rather it's an ultimate strife to sing a love-song in this frightful atmosphere. A contemporary proof of the incurable terrorism, prevalent in Pakistani tribal areas, this novel, " Gul Meena", even artistically proves the dexterity and alacrity of the tale-teller. This novel can surely be credited as an important addition to the tradition of Urdu novels based on the depiction of contemporary history. The article under discussion presents this core issue of the novel in the form of analysis.

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    Dr. Azra Perveen

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    Urdu novel emerged from the cultural venture of eastern and western civilization. Eastern civilization declined after its massive success while western civilization progressed due to its scientific inventions. Moreover, the conventional scholars failed to comprehend the change in political, social, and economical spheres. With these new changes, Muslims perceived western values to have a bad influence on them. Deputy Nazeer Ahmed tried to overcome the effects of western civilization through religious concerns instead of understanding the cultural differences along with their background. This Article tries to understand the cultural conflicts of eastern and western civilization in Deputy Nazeer Ahmad's Novels.

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    Asia Nazli

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    The written form of a sound is called a letter. The number of Arabic alphabets is twenty-eight. In the beginning, the order of these letters was phonetic and not phonetic. With the passage of time, for the convenience of students, the experts put together similar letters in one place and presented a new order. The arrangement is still prevalent in Arabic, Persian and other languages, where the Arabic script has been adopted. An important controversial and debatable issue in Urdu script is its number of alphabets. This uncertain and confused situation creates difficulty for a learner. The alphabet is the foundation for learning a language. Urdu alphabets are no longer in an indefinite or unorganized condition. So, at present consensus about the definite number of alphabets is the need of the hour. Addition to number of letters or changing their order is an impediment in the development of the language. The second issue is the method of spelling. In addition to spelling, another problem is the letters’ articulation manner. In our society, Urdu Primer and Quran reading starts side by side. Ba, Ta, Sa are taught in the mosque while Bay, Pay, Te, Se is taught in the school. This double method of articulation causes great trouble and confusion to an innocent mind. While in the phonetic teaching method, Sound length of Urdu letters as Aa, Ba, Ta, Sa, Ja, Cha, Da, Dha etc. is different from the previous. This is a very important and fundamental problem that demands the attention of linguists and pedagogues. The essay elaborates the mentioned issues categorically and opens new vistas.

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    Dr. Abdul Sattar Malik.

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    Developed nations provide access to different disciplines of knowledge of other nations through translations for its public. Basically translation is a source of initiating new discipline of knowledge, progress and prosperity in their society comparatively to the other nations and social uniformity prevail over there. In fact translation is a sensitive process. The first mile stone of this process is to understand the discourse analysis and contextual meaning of the context. Background knowledge of any language and its historical metaphors spirit is needed to visualize. Etymological meanings are unable to convey the real meaning. Sensitivity of phrasal verb, idiomatic usage and expression sensitivity through adjective, dialect and proverbial meaning are necessary to be expressed through translation. The author of the article has expressed deep sightedness of Jamil Jalbi used in translation of “Eliot K Mazameen” and further “Arasto Say Eliot Tak”. According to J.J “A replica from a language to another is creation of a master piece through amalgamation of two civilizations in one frame with establishing recognition of both individually”. The dialect, style and stating expression should mirror the same reflection through translation as stated by the first. The focus of the researcher is to highlight the attributes of J.J reflected in both of the marvelous and classical works of J.J “Arasto Say Eliot Tak” and “Eliot K Mazameen”.

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    Fozia Shehzadi/ Dr. Muhammad Amjad Abid.

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    The modern Urdu literature is not only about the magical description of the beauty but also gives a good shape to emotions and feelings. When sensitive feelings put their shadow on tender heart of the poet, words take the shape of colors and its fragrance spread all around the circle. It has been evident that not only male poets produce beautiful lyrics but also many woman poets are leading in this field of literature. Beauty and tenderness of words are the true reflection of any literary personality. Poetesses produce collective wisdom regarding poetic sense of beauty and charm. Many modern beautiful and reputable poetesses included Zuhra Nigar, Parveen Shakir, Noshi Gillani, Samina Raja, Tanvir Anjum, Rehana Qamar, Azra Abbas, Shahida Hussan, Shahida Ltaif, Humera Rehman, Fakhra Batool, Hameeda Shaheen, Ambreen Salah-ud-Din. The article under review will point out the aesthetic elements in the poems of Urdu poets.

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    Dr. Sabeena Awais Awan / Dr. Amir Iqbal.

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    “Shab Khoon” Magazine was started in 1966.It is the mouth piece of modernity. When the trend of modernity became common, it had some basic ideas different from the progressives modernity has liberated literature from the shackles of philosophy and ideology. It gave the creator freedom of expression. Now, the writer is free to write what he sees and feels on his own. The focus of the fiction writers of this period is on the individual. The myth of this age presents pictures of the social conditions and events of its time. Conflict, materialism, profiteering, selfishness, clerks’ life, bureaucratic exploitation, racial discrimination, caste segregation with a drawstring, political oppression and exploitation are the themes of the myths of this period. It looks like a sack that encloses.

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    Rabia Bibi / Dr. Altaf Yousafzai

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    This paper enclosed the impact of hegemony or monopoly of imperialism over the subcontinent. Imperialism controlled the situation in two ways, first controlled with power and second to change the mind set of people and injected the inferior complex in their mind. To achieve this purpose imperialism used two mega tools "education" and "language". The invasion of the imperialistic culture over the subcontinent had become so widespread that English language, European learning and civilization were portrayed as positive inspirations in most of the books, written during the colonial periods. Speaking English language practicing European etiquette had become norms of decency. Making different languages as mediums of expression were inherent in every language. To insist that one particular language was the only means of cultured expression was nothing but a strategy to exclude all languages from the sphere to literary and scholarly effort. In this way, Iqbal exposed hollowness of the western civilization and culture by raising voice of protest against their blind following and asserted that Islamic culture and civilization was far more universal than the European culture. During this study, mix methodology approach is used i.e descriptive analytical and historical. This study finds out the result that Iqbal's thoughts have decreased the invasion of the hegemony and monopoly of European imperialistic culture over the subcontinent.

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    Dr. Tariq Javed./ Rubina Kausar.

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    Dr. Tabassum Kashmiri is known as a critic, researcher, poet and especially a historian. But he also wrote a novel, which was published in 1993. The novel was published under the title "Qasba Kahani". Literary critics have not paid much attention to this novel. The "Qasba Kahani" which offers new experiences of form. This article contains an analytical study of the novel "Qasba Kahani" which is an excellent example of an anti-hero in the history of Urdu novel.

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    Zeshan Wakeel./ Dr. Safeer Haider.

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    Nou-Lakhi Kothi is the first novel of Ali Akbar Natiq, published in 2014.Basically he is a poet. His two books of poetry have been published and well received by the critics. This article presents a cultural analysis of his novel “Nou-Lakhi Kothi”.“Nou-Lakhi Kothi” is a face of subcontinent’s social, political, religious and cultural history. This study focuses on presentation of subcontinent society and its multiple aspects in novel. This article will also highlight the facts and effects of colonialism in subcontinent.

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    Dr. Muhammad Yar Gondal

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    Society came into being by a group of people’s. Each society has its own values which help them to survive and develop. Society is never precisely the same from one moment to the next. Change is very core of life. Society accepts global influences. It is affected by all sorts of factors, problems and development projects. Social change breaks the traditional process that gives rise to new demands. As a society develops and accepts the effects of other factors, its values has also change. It absorbs some new beliefs, customs, values, and practices. Sociologists have studied this variability from different angles and have tried to examine the social causes that lead to a change in the values of society. There are three major perspectives of sociology (Symbolic, Functionalism and Conflict). This article examines the reflection of changing social values in the fiction of Mirza Athar Baig in the context of Social theory given by famous sociologist “Emile Durkheim”.

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    Sidra Tahir

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    Sufism in Persian and Urdu literature originated with arrival of Persian language in subcontinent and now it is a main common topic in Persian and Urdu literature of the subcontinent. Sufis from different mystic families took part in prose and poetry writing of Persian and Urdu languages in subcontinent.The following article presents a brief review of poetry of two Sufis, Jamali Dehalvi (10th century AH) from Suharwardi family and Khawja Mir Dard (12th century AH) from Naqshbandi family in light of common mystic thought in subcontinent.

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    Musarrat Sarwar

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    Hali is a renowned writer and modern poet of contemporary Urdu literature. First benefited from Ghalib and then Shaifta. After that he started working for Punjab Book Depot and after he became indirectly acquainted with English literature and Western ideas. At the same time, Hali become important member of the Syed movement. Sir Syed's innovative and modern approach, Shaifta's simplicity and affiliation with the Punjab Book Depot gave a new impetus to the Hali’s thinking. Hali tried to innovate in both poetry and prose. The traditionalist class began to dislike this current modern and intellectual endeavor. One of these resistant elements was Oudh Punch. The newspaper's ideology was to oppose the Syed movement. As Hali was an important intellectual member of the Syed movement, this newspaper kept the front against Hali hot for a long time. From the Musaddas to the publication of the Dewan, every creative work of Hali was well received by the arrows of satire by Oudh Punch. Hali had sharply criticized the Luckno poetry. The writers of Oudh Punch took great revenge on Hali for the above two reasons and criticized Hali's poetry and thought with various tactics. The article under review is based on a critique of Oudh Punch on Hali.

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    Gul Ahmad

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    This article intends to evaluate the education system introduced by the great Muslim reformer Syed Ahmad Khan who is better known as Sir Syed. His name immediately brings to mind Mohammadan Anglo Oriental College and Alighar Muslim University. He was the first person in 19th century India who paid unmatched attention towards education of the Muslim populace. He had to face severe criticism and strong resistance from the religious circles but he remained committed and dedicated. As far as his services for the Muslim education in India are concerned; no one can deny them. However, there is another side of the picture too, which is considerably dark. There were some inherent flaws and drawbacks in the system of the great man. These defects not only proved detrimental to Muslims in United India but also adversely affected the educational system in Pakistan. We are still struggling with these issues after 75 years of independence. What are these shortcomings which we inherited, and, how have they destroyed our education and psyche, have been covered in this paper.

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    Dr. Sobia Tahir

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    Abstract: Literature has been a lucid description of the society. It encompasses all the aspects of life as it is directly associated with behaviours, doings, feelings and responses of social beings. Since the day one, the man has reached the stages of an evolved man; the literature has been serving him. It is the part and parcel of human life. It solves the issues of individual and the society. The ultra-sensitive and extra-vigilant approach of writers has been unveiling the hidden facts of life. It has told the untold and showed the invisible. It has been doing and will be doing this all irrespective of limits of time, geography and religion.

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    Dr. Zia Ul Hasan, ڈاکٹر ضیاءالحسن

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    Man for his personal benefit or comfort, started living with fellow beings. He formatted society and set up certain societal norms to regulate and discipline his life. With the evolution of human society, the debate commenced on these societal norms and values which were either comic or relative in their nature and form. This debate also raised question, who creates these values and for what personal gains. Surely, such a class or community might have preferred their personal interest before forming these societal values. The debate also envisioned that these societal norms and values could safeguard the liberty of human beings and at the same time could assail the rights of the people. Literature, one of the indices of human nomenclature, always advocates high social norms and values. It represents progressive societal deals. It also negates biased thoughts and values existing in the form of color, caste and creed. This article reviews societal norms and morals in the line with ‘Urdu novel’.

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    Dr.Mazhar Abbass. / Dr. Tariq Mahmood

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    Translating fiction from one language to other is a difficult process. It becomes more taxing to read and understand some substandard translations. In this article it has been analyzed that why one confronts the difficulty to understand the novel truly after translation, how meanings are transformed with slightest changing in the words and in which way seasoned translators skillfully convert the creative essence of original language in their own language. In the end some suggestion are made for improvements in Urdu translations.

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    Dr. Zaheer Abbass.

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    It is very important to write the language correctly and bring it to a standard. Irregularities in spelling can lead to many issues. When the student and the reader see many spellings of a word, they become confused about the correctness of the spelling and gradually the wrong spelling becomes common practice. Textbooks are the first medium in the learning process. Therefore, it is necessary to write textbooks keeping in view the spelling rules and the prevailing principles with special care for the accuracy of spelling. So that the issues of spelling can be overcome. Textbooks work as a teacher on how to write a word. Textbooks are the first medium in the learning process. Therefore, it is important to write textbooks keeping in mind the rules of spellings and the prevailing principles, so that, the issues of spelling can be overcome. The article under review deals with the issues of spelling in Urdu textbooks which have been recommended by linguists in order to establish uniformity in spelling, but these recommendations have not yet been fully implemented.

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    Sheema Saadia / Dr. Fauzia Aslam.

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    Man became centre of the universe and philosophy when the term philanthropy and humanism came into existence in the Renaissance. Writers and poets showed reflections of man from different angles in their creations that literature is the commentator/ interpreter of life. Influenced by French and Russian Literature. Urdu fiction writers have presented the mixture of reality, imagination and concept of man through gender and nature's reference. The inner depths of man reveal the secrets of instincts and human passions by nature's blind caves and gender's deep abyss. In this research article two great fiction writers of Urdu language i.e. Saadat Hassan Manto and Rajinder Singh Badi's concept of man has been clarified through comparison of myths

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    Dr. Rubina Yasmeen

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    Rashid amjad is the most significant figure in urdu prose. He is a multi dimential personality i.e critic, scholar, teacher, editor, etc but his most powerful aspect of personality is short story writer. He experienced the subcontinent division and is eye witness of crash of civilization. He has a great sense of civilization which he used in his stories. Though this layer is between the lines but is a real fact that civiliation discussed in its ture spirit. This article is an effort to explore that sense of civilization.

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    Dr. Fareed Hussaini / Dr. Tanveer Ur Rehman.

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    Muhammad Saleem -ur- Rehman`s poetry has its own unique identity in modern Urdu poetry in terms of themes, structure and diction. Muhammad Saleem-ur- Rehman has described his experiences of society and subjectivity so subtly that these poems embody historical, conscious and universal truths as well as cultural, political, spiritual and literary values in themselves. His command on Arabic, Persian, English, Spanish, Germen and other European languages and extensive study reflect themselves in his peculiar literary style and supreme literary taste. The mixture of new and old in themes and structure of his poetry has evolved a modern way of expression. The Essayist has done a thematic and structured study of in this article.

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    Zarghona Kanwal / Dr. Shahida Rasool.

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    Criticisms of Urdu Dastani literature contain a diverse range of critical tendencies and their changing trends as well as new thoughts and ideas. Due to the wisdom and abilities of critics with different tastes and different thinking, the horizon of fictional criticism is not only colorful and beautiful, but it also encompasses universality. It is a mirror of our cultural, historical, religious and social conditions in which all the trends of modern and ancient art of critical theories of literature, linguistics, history, sociology, spirituality, femininity, anthropology, psychology, metaphysics, modernity and philosophy are present.

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    Dr. Samina Saif

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    Allama Muhammad Iqbal's poetry is very important compared to earlier, contemporary and later poetry. One of the reasons for this is that he made naturalism the main theme of his poetry. Iqbal is not only a naturalist poet, but he had also tried to make nature a revealed reality and besides being inspired and dedicated by the beauty of nature, he had taken the task of revealing the facts of life. He considered the beauty of nature as a source of insights related to man and humanity. Thus, according to Iqbal, the phenomena of nature has become the manifestations of different realities and insights. The article under review is the description of this summary.

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    Dr. Rubina Yasmeen./ Dr. Rani Begum.

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    Language is a mysterious reality. Its pivotal point is sign or word. Sign contains abstraction. Writers use these signs for their indications, hints and suggestions. Through these signs speakers of various languages can reflect universe around them on the canvases of their minds. A poet, through his imagination based on these signs can foresee the world of possibilities. We can depict our aims through writing and speaking these signs. Poets and writers claim that their creative or literary works could be interpreted dimensionally. More over anyone by implying his or her mind can also interpret them in a different way. Associations of ideas are capable of visualizing things in parts and totality. If any theorist surpasses the real aims of writers and poets, it could be said he is not fair to his deeds. Various critics belong to the traditions of modernism and postmodernism do not judge fairly the texts under their studies.

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    Dr. Saadat Saeed. ڈاکٹر سعادت سعید

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    “Afra Bukhari” is a distinguished Short story writer of our age, who in a subtle and delicate way, portrayed the true picture of human feelings and its nature. She is an ardent interpreter of human psyche and she really worked hard to analyze human mind and emotions, while expounding different situations of life, especially when it is in agony and distress. She never ceases her efforts to enumerate multiple traumas of life which our beleaguered society faces, daily or routinely. For this, she especially highlighted the very concerns of our downtrodden, lower class and their pathetic matters in which they are leading their lives from one generation to other. She rightly embarked on those parts of our society, which are vulnerable, the women and children. A number of stories are directly linked with this very cause and she masterly elaborated their problems, tragedies and our bitter behavior, towards them. We can witness a big division in her stories and that is, that sensitive, harmless and good nature people are being deceived, marginalized and suffered at the hands of cunning, shrewd and callous people. Afra has a unique blend of writing style and she tried to paraphrase human nature and its jumble thinking in a lucid, impressive way. She cannot be overlooked in any way.

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    Dr. Sohail Mumtaz Khan./ Dr. Muhammad Kamran.

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    Amjad Islam Amjad (4 August 1944…10 February 2023) is a well-known poet and Urdu playwright. His drama 'Waris' served as a milestone in Pakistani television's history. As a popular poet, there are several published anthologies to his credit. He also translated foreign poetry into Urdu, besides which he was also a renowned columnist. In this article, his personality and contribution to the literary world have been brought to light. The context of his drama 'Waris' has been explored, and this notion has been conveyed that the void left by his departure can never truly be filled.

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    Dr. Zahid Muneer Amir.

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    Iqbal was a poet, philosopher and political leader. He is one of the leaders who brought Muslims out of despair and promised a bright future. He wanted such a modern Islamic state based on Islamic principles, in which Islam should be introduced in a modern way ,in short the problems of the present age and all the problems should be solved according to The Quran and The Sunna. If Iqbal's poetry and prose are studied in depth, we can clearly become acquainted with the features of Iqbal's modern Islamic State.

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    Dr. Waqar Saleem Rana./ Dr. Amjad Abid.

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    Dr. Qazi Abid is a well renowned Urdu critic. He was a pragmatic progressive and neo-Marxist. Like many other progressives he was not intellectually stagnant. His progressivism draws light from modernism and postmodernism rather than to oppose them. To him, to be progressive is to be enlightened and big-hearted. Instead of establishing novel theoretical discourse, he has practically applied all the new discourses to Urdu literature. For intellectual satisfaction, he had direct access to Western philosophies; and resultantly, his criticism doesn’t have any ambiguity and contradiction. He finds many similarities between modernism and postmodernism. Dr. Qazi has successfully applied discourses such as structuralism, post structuralism, post colonialism and neo colonialism, historiography and neo historiography to the texts of Urdu literature.

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    Muhammad Yousuf Noon./ Dr. Tariq Mahmood.

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    Farkhunda Bukhari's autobiography "Ye Bazi Ishq Ki Bazi Hai" is a book full of political and social contexts and debates in the 21st century. In the autobiography under discussion, the author describes the sufferings of Hindu Muslim riots and migration before the establishment of Pakistan in a painful way. The author becomes somewhat saddened by comparing the current social situation of Pakistan with the social and cultural life of her childhood. According to the author, the political and social structure of the country has been paralyzed due to the internal and external forces that have disrupted the democratic process due to the political instability of Pakistan and various periods of martial law. Political interests and military dictators have harmed the interests of the country for the sake of their personal interests in every era. This is the reason why the overall lack of educational resources in our country, ineffective planning, unemployment, kidnapping for ransom, terrorism, hyperinflation, social unrest, linguistic discrimination and regional prejudices have become the fate of Pakistan. Scribe has tried to present the analysis of these problems and events in a research and critical manner in the article under study.

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    Dr. Irfan Tauheed./ Dr. Parveen Akhtar Kallu.

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    Elegy is considered a lament for the departed souls, yet after the great incident of Karbala where HazratHussain and his clan was brutally martyered for the cause of upholding the truth, the elegy had advented with new meaningness and later on was associated with the lamenting and describing attributed of the matchless bravery of the Hussain and his companions. Urdu poetry has a long history of elegiac literature, and thousands of similes,metaphors and allusions have been evovled out of the Karbala discourse which are termed as elegiac allusions. These elegiac allusions have casted irrefutable and permanent impacts on Religious Urdu poetry. This article is a key attempt to explore these impacts. The elegiac allusions have broadened the discourse and scope of the religious poetry.

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    Rahat Nasreen./ Dr. Saeed Ahmad.

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    Khalid Fateh Muhammad is a well-known fiction writer, novelist and translator of current era. Eleven novels and seven Short story books of Khalid Fateh Muhammad has been published till now. He has earned a lot of fame. Khaleej is one of his best novels that is written in the context of fall of Dhaka. It is historic novel in which the writer has portrayed the reasons, background story and insidious activities of “Mukti Bahni”. Furthermore, he has unbiasedly presented efforts to crush the tricks and conspiracies of rebellions by Pak Army and the reactions of the natives. Following article describes the critical and research analysis of Khaleej. Style, Plot and characters of the novel are analyzed thoughtfully and artistically.

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    Azmat Shahzad./ Dr. Ghuncha Begum.

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    In Europe, towards the end of the 14th century, the downfall of the church and the emergence of modernity led to the significant mindset, which in literature is labeled as Modernism. This modernism was interpreted as enlightenment because it opposed the existence of God and tradition by considering humans as the sole source of all power and supremacy. Modernism trend which later developed as a movement; was based on humanism in which what humans believed was accepted and what they denied was rejected. The most important aspect of this movement was the deviation from religion and tradition, which leads to the denial of metaphysical interpretation. This denial directed the masses toward the agony of loneliness, mental suffering, and helplessness. So, when they express their emotions and feelings, it came out as grief, melancholy, and anguish. In literature, this anguish was expressed in a particular style of writing, innovative, unorthodox and in a unique style of writing were due to some alterations in writing techniques; rather than the matter and subject. These unorthodox techniques were the base of Modernism in literature. The trend of modernism in Urdu literature was introduced in the 1960s and it particularly influenced urdu poem the most. Modernism caused experiments on a large scale in the structures and techniques of urdu poems. New techniques were invented by establishing and modifying templates, due to which, the poems in this era are categorized as Jadeed Nazm. This literary movement was promoted by the members of Halqa Arbab e Zauq. The poems they construct were of thematic diversity and unique style. But under Modernism; due to philosophy, psych and mythological complications, the understanding of poems became more and more difficult. In addition, the structural arrangement of these poems was also different from the traditional structures. So, this new technique didn’t prove to be compatible and soon came to an end.

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    Atiya Huma Siddiqi, Ph.D. Urdu Scholar, Karachi

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    Syed Anees Shah Jillani had a unique style. He was a sketch writer in Urdu and Saraiki. He was a travel writer, a unique letter writer and compiler, that's why there were many qualities in his style. In his writing, Ghalib's humor, reasoning and logicality like Sir Syed and Hali, Shibli's enthusiastic style, Azad's style of writing and Abul Kalam's style of writing are found. It all sounds so strange, yet so true.

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    Muneer Ahmad./ Muhammad Mohsin Khan.

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    Narrative drives from Indo-European roots which mean "to tell" and "to know", some narratologies used the word Narrative parallel to “biology” and “sociology”, from this prospect narrative belongs to Human self and social self in dialectical position. It has many classical and modern proprieties such as time, space, sequence, delay, detours, digression. Modern and post-modern study of Narratives poetic which has transformation and self -regulations Narrative helps to elaborate the feminism in very broad aspect which shows the women as a mechanism that has no history and truth in male dominated society.

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    Rashida Naseem./ Dr. Shazia Ambreen Rana.

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    Except some basic principles, literary criticism is for the most part subjective. We can’t reject someone’s opinion we can only disagree. But this is an essential point of criticism that the tone of objections should also be decent. Dr. Tasadduq Hussain Khalid is the first poet, who regular adopted the free verse. Here his work on the kind of poetry called verse libra or free verse. He is the first regular poet of free verse, but why he is not the first outclass poet of free verse. The different well known critics have discussed on this issue. Here we are going to analysis those opinions. This meta criticism will show the standard of Urdu Criticism and critics as well as the creativity and contribution of Dr. Tassaduq Hussain Khalid. In this way we can overview our all literary critical asset. So it is a time to analysis the recent era in literary criticism, because such critical overviews will help to show the real pictures of art and will also support to build a new standard and rebuild some new rules of criticism.

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    Tariq Habib.

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    Sheikh Ghulam Hamadani Mus’hafi (1160/1747 to 1240/1824) is famous Urdu Poet and Tazkira writer. He wrote nine collections of his poetry (Diwan) along with four Tazkiras. The collected workof his poetry has been edited and published four times during the period since 1967 to 2013.Editors of the these collected work of his poetry used several manuscripts in their editing, which belongs to Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library Patna (Bihar, India), Banaras Hindu University Library Varanasi (UP, India), Tagore Library Lucknow University (UP, India) and Punjab University Library Lahore (Pakistan).Despite of this, a rare manuscripts of 6thDiwan of Mus’hafi is lying notice less in possession of Punjab University Library Lahore (Pakistan). No one yet wrote about this rare manuscript and even used it in the editing of the poetic works of Mus’hafi. This manuscript belongs to Shirani Collection of Punjab University Library, Lahore. It is incomplete but has an important position among the manuscripts of Mus’hafi’s poetical works, because it belongs to the nearest era of the reign of Mus’hafi. The particulars of said manuscript is described in this article. The writer of this article clarified the merits of this manuscript in his detailed study. This research article which is written in the language and subject of manuscript ology. Typical Urdu terminology of manuscript studies is used in this article which is rare to read now a days.

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    Dr. Rafaqat Ali / Ghulam MUhayyuddin./ Dr. Tanveer Hussain.

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    Symbolism is a powerful literary device employed by creative writers to express reflective themes, emotions, and social commentary within the fabric of their narratives. The scarecrow, (بجوکا) a seemingly mundane figure, has captured the imaginations of short-story writers for generations. The scarecrow emerges as a complex symbol, embodying themes such as isolation, protection, identity, and the juxtaposition of the natural and the artificial. Through a close reading of select texts and an exploration of critical interpretations, this research aims to elucidate the scarecrow's capacity to resonate with readers on profound levels. Furthermore, this research delves into the socio-cultural contexts that have influenced the scarecrow's portrayal in literature, shedding light on its transformation from a utilitarian agricultural tool to a rich metaphorical device. By examining the scarecrow's evolution, we gain insight into how short-stories reflect and respond to changing perceptions of the rural, the agrarian, and the human condition. Thus, unravels the scarecrow's intricate tapestry of symbolism within fiction. Through an exploration of its literary representations and a contextual examination of its socio-cultural significance, this research contributes to the broader understanding of symbolism in literature while celebrating the enduring allure of a seemingly ordinary figure in the world of fiction.

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    Dr. Asad Mahmood / Dr. Zaheer Abbas. ڈاکٹر اسد محمود / ڈاکٹر ظہیر عباس

  • Volume : 5 (Rekhta 9) Issue : 1 Year: 2024

    1. Symbol,Semantic Functionality, and Urdu Critics

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    Symbol, the subsequent stride in metaphorical expression and also known as an emblem or sign, holds a pivotal role in literature, particularly in poetry. Within the realm of modern Urdu poetry, it assumes a foundational status, serving as the bedrock of manifold ambiguity. Scholars of Urdu literature harbor diverse and myriad interpretations regarding symbolism. While some perceive it as latent within the text yet integral in meaning, others attribute its essence to the fluidity of meanings inherent in literary compositions. By synthesizing the perspectives of various critics, this article endeavors to elucidate the essence of symbolism. Such elucidation aids in unraveling the structural and formative underpinnings of literary works, thus guiding readers toward a comprehensive grasp of the profound connotations enshrined within the text.

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    dr. Rashid Saeedi

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    A literary writer and critic with broad vision and multi dimensional insight reflects diversity of thoughts with individual style for inspiration of global society with a clarity of theme and theory is Dr.Muhammad kamran whose talent of critical thinking has been acknowledged through creation of Angaray, where food for thought and brainstorming is ready to agitate against system of exploitation. Determination and destiny are change agents on chess table of life. Undeniable social rules and acknowledged social realities have been pen pricked by the writer to challenge system of monopoly and authority. Reflection of phenomenology with originality of thought is one of the distinguished attributes in all his work clearly evident by his contemporaries. This article is an effort to explore the literary and criticism potential of Dr. Muhammad kamran. Bearance, commitment and survival are forces strongly correlated with struggle as per considered view point of Dr. Muhammad kamran. Author of the article has social interaction with under discussion personality and his contribution in literature.

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    Dr. Muhammad Amjad Abid/ Dr. Abdul Raheem.. ڈاکٹر محمد امجد عابد/ ڈاکٹر عبدالرحیم۔

  • Volume : 4 (Rekhta 08) Issue : 2 Year: 2023

    3. Depiction of Crimes and Ashraf Shad's Novel

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    Ashraf Shad is a contemporary poet, researcher and novelist. He is the author of many books. In Poetry, Nisab, Aa mare Kareeb Aa, Akhbar Ishq jab kh Bewatan, while in novel; Wazeer-e-Aazam, Sadr-e-mohtram and Judge Sahib. He has exposed the criminals spread in the society. A serious crime like murder is committed to save wealth and then the criminal is acquitted honorably by buying the lawyers. He has the ability to speak and have mastery over the art of creation. He has boldly and audaciously adapted political themes into literature. In this article, the crimes in the novel "Judge Sahib" are depicted.

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    Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad / Dr. Allah Yar. ڈاکٹر مشتاق احمد / ڈاکٹر اللہ یار۔

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    In Iqbal's poetry and prose, the complete history of the independence movement and the establishment of Pakistan is presented. In which the dream of a separate homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent and then the story of the struggle to achieve this dream is present with its complete background. Although Iqbal's early poetry, the color of love for a united nation and a united India is prominent. But the interdependence and disunity of the Indian nations made him sad. He wished that the people of India should live a life of love, brotherhood, participation and cooperation. While the situation was the opposite.. He is a denier of the old world and a bearer of knowledge of the new world who The lamps of the Muslims are seen burning even in the strong wind. Iqbal considers the people as the capital of nation building and a force that shapes the destiny of the nation.

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    Dr. Rabia Sarfraz./ Dr. Sumaira Akbar. ڈاکٹر رابعہ سرفراز۔/ ڈاکٹر سمیرا اکبر

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    The history of Urdu short story starts from the twentieth century. Prem Chand and Pandit Badri Nath Sadarshan were the great short story writers of this era. Imperative study of Hajj-e Akbar and Teerath Yatra, shows that there is a sincerity of subject in it but both of writers reflect civilizations in different way. Prem Chand having great look on Muslim tradition and Islamic values, while sadarshan showed great reflection of Hindu tradition. This article having critical approach towards subject and presentation will help the scholars to know about writers and this style.

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    Dr. Majid Mushtaq./ Dr. Tahir Tayyab.. ڈاکٹر ماجد مشتاق / ڈاکٹر طاہر طیب

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    The events that take place in the society have a deep impact on the minds of people. Because of which strange questions start to arise in the hearts of people with sensitive nature. They begin to look at the universe, life, religions, science and ideas from a new perspective. From these initial whispers, an important question emerges that what is the relation of poetry to daily life? Why is one's feelings expressed in poetry? The real beauty of poetry is to mold the words in such an acceptable form for the dull and spotty faces of the common people due to the traumas and experiences in the cruel slaps of the times that it can provide some relief for the audience. So that instead of being fed up with life, they find beauty and quality in it and fight for life instead of death.

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    Dr. Asma Rani./ Hafsa Khan. ڈاکٹر عاصمہ رانی / حفصہ خان

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    This article explores the process of critical theory formation. Variations and diversity in the meaning of classical, modern, and contemporary critical theory are identified and explored through an understanding of the term "theoria" from the ancient Greek period. How much diversity has been created by epistemology in the formation of theory and what is the role of theory in the interpretation of literature, it is explained in this article. In this study, the theoretical possibilities are also discussed, and sought out the diversity from ancient to contemporary concept of theory.

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    Arshad Mahmood Haadi. آرشد محمود ہادی

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    In Urdu short fiction, it is an interesting factor regarding global phenomena that the writers of fiction have incorporated Japanese civilization, history and culture in a good way. These stories show that Japanese civilization and culture is one of the oldest human civilizations. There is one. The Japanese protected their cultural elements very well. In the context of the Second Great Gang, the whole world is aware of the tragic disaster in Japan, but after this nuclear disaster, the way this nation went on the path of development. From Saadat Hasan Manto, Qaratul Ain Haider, Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi, Khawaja Ahmad Abbas and Krishan Chandra to the modern fiction writers Hamid Siraj and Ahmad Sagheer, Japanese civilization and history have been described in different ways in their stories.

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    Hoorain Tabassum. / Dr. Tariq Hashmi.. حورین تبسم/ ڈاکٹر طارق ہاشمی

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    Akhtar-ul-Iman is a significant name of modern Urdu poetry. Akhtar's poems debate important existential and social issues beyond the traditional themes. His poems reflect specific cultural items. He has specific ideology about poetry, and he considers poetry as a useful task rather than a mere chore. His poems are not the product of a single moment but there is a coherent thought system behind them. One of the characteristics of his personality is that he was not fond of exposing his poems but wanted to make his poems effective and useful. This is the reason why he used to have a critical view of his own poems. At first, his poems did not get the acceptance they deserved, but soon his poetry made its place in the field of modern Urdu poetry. When critics turned towards Akhtar’s poetry, his individuality became more evident. The popularity of his themes also attracted the attention of translators and English translations of his poems came into existence. However, there is no research based on the merits and demerits of these translations. "Apahaj Gaari Ka Aadmi" is an important poem of Akhtar-ul-Iman that has been translated into English. This paper presents a critical study of the said English translation.

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    Dr. Muhammad Qasim. ڈاکٹر محمد قاسم

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    Soon after the advent of cinema of the television, the narratives of popular of classical novels and short stories were used to adapt these as feature films and screen plays. The adaptations and transformations of the text sometimes create parallel text, as it may happen in translating a work. A number of Urdu novels and short stories have been adapted in India and Pakistan. Both of the states have used cinema and television as Ideological State Apparatus. The present study analysis the adaptation of the famous novel “Aangan” as TV serial by “Hum TV”, Pakistan and “Door Darshan Urdu”, India. It makes a comparative study as to how much the productions have been faithful to the text of the novel and how the Ideological State Apparatus has been applied۔

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    Muhammad Amir Raza./ Safdar Rasheed, محمد عامر رضا/ صفدر رشید

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    The poetry of Mustafa Zaidi delves deep into the intricate realms of human emotion, exploring the profound psychological aspects of grief, loneliness, and sadness. This article explores how Zaidi's poetic works serve as a poignant reflection of the human psyche, providing a unique insight into the complex interplay of these emotions in the context of personal and universal experiences.

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    Muhammad Sabir./ Dr. Altaf Yousufzai. محمد صابر / ڈاکٹر الطاف یوسف زئی

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    After First and Second World War, new impulses and situations arose in literature. In them, every impulse led to some naive writing–style and techniques. For instance, at the end of 19th and beginning of 20th Century, Modernism impulse commenced, proclaiming to change prevalent genre, writing style and ideology. From womb of Modernism, arose stream of consciousness technique, abstract and absurd technique etc. After modernism, at start of 20th century, Postmodernism (theory or condition) appeared. Postmodernism left its bosom broad to give it some definition, making it a bit vast. So like modernism, some techniques also merged from postmodernism, wherein, irony, playfulness, black humor, faction, participation, metafiction, historiographic metafiction, pastiche, paranoia, intertextuality, temporal distortion, maximalism and magical realism are worthy to mention. Putting aside all the aforementioned techniques, this article comprises of introduction to Magical Realism, historical background and its commencement. It has completely overviewed those historical events like first and second world wars, wrecked condition of Germany, Latin American’s dark time; it has included technique of magical realism.

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    Fazal Kabeer/ Dr. Suleman Khatak / Masroor Hussain.. فضل کبیر/ ڈاکٹر سلیمان خٹک / مسرور حسین

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    Knowledge of phonetics and Phonemes is of fundamental importance for the understanding of a language. Linguistics also discusses the history, evolution, and interrelationship of these languages. Every subject that is directly or indirectly related to language falls under the scope of linguistics, whether, it is related to lexicography, rule writing, phonetics, phonemics, stylistics, morphology or any field. Phonetics and phoneme are the two main branches of linguistics, Phonetics usually emphasizes the pronunciation of sounds, the place of pronunciation, and the style of pronunciation, whereas phonemes do not give much importance to the pronunciation of sounds, i.e. it is not seen what the pronunciation of the word is, how it is played or which organs are moved when playing the letters. Whereas phonemes usually examine the sounds that are semantically important, and these sounds are considered to be the basic sounds of the language, which are meaningful. The presence or absence of a phoneme in the word changes the meaning of the word. Therefore, these branches of linguistics must be understood by the language expert and a common reader, they make it easier to understand the meaning, style of play, meaning and pronunciation of the words.

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    Hafiz Gohar Mahmood./ Muhammad Farooq Baig. حافظ گوہر محمود/ ؐمحمد فاروق بیگ

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    Migration is a very chronic and multidimensional phenomenon of human life. It is a very prominent topic of literature also. In perspective of the partition of India a huge migration of the history has took placed. This migration affects bitterly human life and literature in Pakistan. In this regard a huge volume of Urdu novels has been published in Pakistan. These Novels are valuable due to their socio- historic impact. In this article researcher has tried to evaluate the presentation of migration as a topic in Pakistani Urdu Novel.

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    Dr. Abida Naseem, ڈاکٹر عابدہ نسیم

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    Like every evolving language of the world, the Urdu language also has made many developments in its nature through the course of time. The early history of the Urdu language shows a variety of different dialects, styles, and diction. Deccan period in the history of Urdu language and literature reflects this situation especially. Along with this fact, we find many efforts to resolve the peculiarity of the language of the above-mentioned era through lexicography. Masood Hussain Khan, Ghulam Umar Khan, Jamil Jalibi, Agha Haider Hassan, Javaid Vaishisht, Sayeda Jafar, and some others have made some remarkable efforts through their lexicographical works about the Deccan and early period of Urdu. These works help us better understand the Deccan’s or early literature. This article comprises an overview of such works. It also presents a comparison of these dictionaries.

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    Dr. Sajid Siddique Nizami

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    Akhtar Ul Emaan is an important poet of modern Urdu poetry, but Urdu criticism and research has not given him the attention he deserves. Undoubtedly, his name will continue to be mentioned along with Faiz, Rashid, Mira ji and Majeed Amjad. His poetry made the subject of the external and internal tragedy of the present era very well. Here in this article, an attempt has been made to study the evolution of his poems and try to find out how the themes and styles of his poetry changed over time and how his thoughts matured.

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    Dr. Asia Nazli / Dr. Mazhar Abbas. ڈاکٹر آسیہ نازلی / ڈاکٹر مظہر عباس

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    The 21st Century Urdu fiction has witnessed the dramatic rise of the theme of female voice in Urdu fiction. Numerous Urdu fiction writers are playing their part in promoting the said discourse through their works. Amongst them stands out the novella “Mother Daughter” by Hasan Manzar in which the female voice is given power. The beautifully crafted novella faithfully portrays the wounds inflicted upon the women subjugated by patriarchy. The present paper analyses Manzar's “Mother Daughter” in the same perspective to highlight the growing sense of feminine agency.

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    Dr. Abubakar Farooqi/ Ahmad Abbas. ڈاکٹر ابو بکر فاروقی/احمد عباس طور