ادبی مجلہ"سویرا" کے افسانہ نمبر کا تحقیقی و تنقیدی مطالعہ

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ادبی مجلہ"سویرا" کے افسانہ نمبر کا تحقیقی و تنقیدی مطالعہ

Author(s) : کوثر پروین/ڈاکٹر شگفتہ حسین

Literary journals serve as a reflection of the intellectual and creative trends of their time. Magazines and journals are the greatest source of enlightenment from new literary movements and new perspectives. Literary magazine Saveera (Lahore) has been instrumental in promoting the tradition of Urdu fiction. In addition to publishing special editions of Urdu fiction, it enriched the tradition of Urdu fiction by publishing and representing the works of important and renowned fiction writers of the subcontinent.