محمد سلیم الرحمان کی شعری جمالیات

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محمد سلیم الرحمان کی شعری جمالیات

Author(s) : آصف علی لیکچرر اردو

Saleem ur Rehman stands out prominently among the galaxy of the modern Urdu poets. He exercised different techniques in writing and introducing new aesthetic style in poetry. He presented the dry philosophical thoughts into modern poetry without compromising its beautiful and aesthetic sense. His poetry does not present typical subjects, rather diversity of topics presented in it, is the real hall mark of his poetry. His poetry is reflective of creative and artistic aesthetic sense. His poetry represents various subjects and their manifold connotations and interpretation. In addition to the aforesaid qualities, it also keeps us abreast of the current knowledge of the world that adds to the aesthetic appeal of his poetry. In the pertaining article, the aesthetic factors of his poetry have been dealt in.