3. Amjad Islam Amjad and The Rise of Dawn. امجداسلام امجداورگریبان ِسحرکاچاک

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3. Amjad Islam Amjad and The Rise of Dawn. امجداسلام امجداورگریبان ِسحرکاچاک

Author(s) : Dr. Zahid Muneer Amir.

Amjad Islam Amjad (4 August 1944…10 February 2023) is a well-known poet and Urdu playwright. His drama 'Waris' served as a milestone in Pakistani television's history. As a popular poet, there are several published anthologies to his credit. He also translated foreign poetry into Urdu, besides which he was also a renowned columnist. In this article, his personality and contribution to the literary world have been brought to light. The context of his drama 'Waris' has been explored, and this notion has been conveyed that the void left by his departure can never truly be filled.