2. The Changing Scenario of Social Values in Urdu Novel.. اردو ناول میں سماجی اقدار کا بدلتا منظرنامہ

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2. The Changing Scenario of Social Values in Urdu Novel.. اردو ناول میں سماجی اقدار کا بدلتا منظرنامہ

Author(s) : Dr.Mazhar Abbass. / Dr. Tariq Mahmood

Man for his personal benefit or comfort, started living with fellow beings. He formatted society and set up certain societal norms to regulate and discipline his life. With the evolution of human society, the debate commenced on these societal norms and values which were either comic or relative in their nature and form. This debate also raised question, who creates these values and for what personal gains. Surely, such a class or community might have preferred their personal interest before forming these societal values. The debate also envisioned that these societal norms and values could safeguard the liberty of human beings and at the same time could assail the rights of the people. Literature, one of the indices of human nomenclature, always advocates high social norms and values. It represents progressive societal deals. It also negates biased thoughts and values existing in the form of color, caste and creed. This article reviews societal norms and morals in the line with ‘Urdu novel’.