12. Woman, as a Narrative in Pakistani Novel. پاکستانی اردو ناول میں عورت بطور بیانیہ

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12. Woman, as a Narrative in Pakistani Novel. پاکستانی اردو ناول میں عورت بطور بیانیہ

Author(s) : Rashida Naseem./ Dr. Shazia Ambreen Rana.

Narrative drives from Indo-European roots which mean "to tell" and "to know", some narratologies used the word Narrative parallel to “biology” and “sociology”, from this prospect narrative belongs to Human self and social self in dialectical position. It has many classical and modern proprieties such as time, space, sequence, delay, detours, digression. Modern and post-modern study of Narratives poetic which has transformation and self -regulations Narrative helps to elaborate the feminism in very broad aspect which shows the women as a mechanism that has no history and truth in male dominated society.