8. The Impacts Of Elegiac Allusions/Tlmeehat On Religious Poetry.. رثائی تلمیحات کے مذہبی شاعری پر اثرات

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8. The Impacts Of Elegiac Allusions/Tlmeehat On Religious Poetry.. رثائی تلمیحات کے مذہبی شاعری پر اثرات

Author(s) : Rahat Nasreen./ Dr. Saeed Ahmad.

Elegy is considered a lament for the departed souls, yet after the great incident of Karbala where HazratHussain and his clan was brutally martyered for the cause of upholding the truth, the elegy had advented with new meaningness and later on was associated with the lamenting and describing attributed of the matchless bravery of the Hussain and his companions. Urdu poetry has a long history of elegiac literature, and thousands of similes,metaphors and allusions have been evovled out of the Karbala discourse which are termed as elegiac allusions. These elegiac allusions have casted irrefutable and permanent impacts on Religious Urdu poetry. This article is a key attempt to explore these impacts. The elegiac allusions have broadened the discourse and scope of the religious poetry.