فکرِ اقبال اور امیدِ فردا

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فکرِ اقبال اور امیدِ فردا

Author(s) : ڈاکٹر سبینہ اویس اعوان

Iqbal's tenure as a poet can be termed as the most difficult period for Muslims of subcontinent. This nation was in the denial stage, preoccupied with disappointments, resentment and with no direction. They were of low esteem and fed up of themselves. Iqbal, a strong believer of faith played a key role in the renaissance of his nation and pulled them out of dangerous zone. History can't forget his role as a reformer for Muslim nation. Iqbal wanted to rebuild the stature of Muslims as a great nation. For this purpose, he girded up his loins, worked incessantly, pulled them out of darkness. Iqbal's poetry is a vivid reflection of hope and success. His message is sound and clear. His poetry contains the hope for the wonderful future of humans. His poetic verses present the detailed program for the survival as well as the religio-ethical norms of humanity. It also gives solid suggestions for the splendor future of young generation in a poetic way. Through Iqbal's ideology we not only realize the realities of life but also get guidance towards such ethical system which will bind us to our origin. It also leads us to our innate positive attitudes. Iqbal's writings act as beacon of light in darkness. This piece of writing will highlight Iqbal's efforts and ideology to create a hope of better future in his nation's minds.