طاہرہ اقبال کی اجتہادی فکر: بحوالہ نسائی کردار

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طاہرہ اقبال کی اجتہادی فکر: بحوالہ نسائی کردار

Author(s) : رضوانہ نقوی

Woman is a mysterious and most beautiful creation of Allah Almighty but in the man's society she is a most crippled and deprived existence of world. From the ancient age to the present day women's character is under discussion by both of aspects. The literature of all civilizations is inhabited with the remembrance of the woman. In Urdu literature poets and writers have present the women in countless magnificent. Tahira Iqbal is a renowned short story writer in Urdu literature. Her stories are the symbol of Punjab's charm, culture and traditions. Women is a spinning point of her art, in her short stories woman's character is under discussion with moral, social and psychological intricacies. This is a zone where women is a name of time change, she is no more a silent victim of oppression but a light of rising spirit for the seek of liberty, rights and entire peace. Yet she is not a conqueror but the struggle is not to be end.