3. Evolutionary Analysis of Akhtar ul Eeman’s Poems. اخترالایمان کی نظم کا ارتقائی مطالعہ

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3. Evolutionary Analysis of Akhtar ul Eeman’s Poems. اخترالایمان کی نظم کا ارتقائی مطالعہ

Author(s) : Dr. Asia Nazli / Dr. Mazhar Abbas. ڈاکٹر آسیہ نازلی / ڈاکٹر مظہر عباس

Akhtar Ul Emaan is an important poet of modern Urdu poetry, but Urdu criticism and research has not given him the attention he deserves. Undoubtedly, his name will continue to be mentioned along with Faiz, Rashid, Mira ji and Majeed Amjad. His poetry made the subject of the external and internal tragedy of the present era very well. Here in this article, an attempt has been made to study the evolution of his poems and try to find out how the themes and styles of his poetry changed over time and how his thoughts matured.