10. Colonial Hegemony and Iqbal’s Thought...استعماری اجارہ اور فکرِ اقبال

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10. Colonial Hegemony and Iqbal’s Thought...استعماری اجارہ اور فکرِ اقبال

Author(s) : Dr. Tariq Javed./ Rubina Kausar.

This paper enclosed the impact of hegemony or monopoly of imperialism over the subcontinent. Imperialism controlled the situation in two ways, first controlled with power and second to change the mind set of people and injected the inferior complex in their mind. To achieve this purpose imperialism used two mega tools "education" and "language". The invasion of the imperialistic culture over the subcontinent had become so widespread that English language, European learning and civilization were portrayed as positive inspirations in most of the books, written during the colonial periods. Speaking English language practicing European etiquette had become norms of decency. Making different languages as mediums of expression were inherent in every language. To insist that one particular language was the only means of cultured expression was nothing but a strategy to exclude all languages from the sphere to literary and scholarly effort. In this way, Iqbal exposed hollowness of the western civilization and culture by raising voice of protest against their blind following and asserted that Islamic culture and civilization was far more universal than the European culture. During this study, mix methodology approach is used i.e descriptive analytical and historical. This study finds out the result that Iqbal's thoughts have decreased the invasion of the hegemony and monopoly of European imperialistic culture over the subcontinent.