2. Urdu Language and Gender Bias. اردو زبان اور صنفی جانبداری

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2. Urdu Language and Gender Bias. اردو زبان اور صنفی جانبداری

Author(s) : Dr. Tariq Hashmi / Dr. Sumera Akbar

Abstract: Language is social need of humanity but if the question arises on the basis of gender as to whose role has been fundamental and important to this formation process then the structure and internal evidence of most languages show that there is much lesser feminine touch in it. Because of masculine domination, structure of most of the languages show that man is superior while woman is considered weak, fragile and inferior. In contemporary age some linguists are trying to make language neutral. The aim of eradicating the prevailing notions of masculinity and femininity by promoting gender neutral language is also to eradicate the notions found in the society, which are based on man fulfilling his social needs. For this, it is very important that the speeches which are biased when calling a gender are not encouraged . There are a number of words, idioms and proverbs in Urdu that express the ancient social concepts of gender and express men's feelings of gender superiority and, conversely, feminine inferiority, as in dictionaries. In the meanings given to man, not only his gender meaning is recorded but also all the notions of bravery, superiority, glory and splendour are present in the society since ancient times.