12. A Subject Study of Naats written by Saim Chishtee. صائم چشتی کی نعت کا موضوعاتی مطالعہ

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12. A Subject Study of Naats written by Saim Chishtee. صائم چشتی کی نعت کا موضوعاتی مطالعہ

Author(s) : Mahboob Ahmad/ Dr. Nazar e Abid. محبوب احمد/ ڈاکٹر نذر عابد

Saeem Chishti is a famous name in Naatiya literature. He does not let the aspect of respect go unnoticed in the context of Madhat-e-Nabi and works with utmost care. He does not write Naat only for himself but his purpose is to enlighten the heart of every soul with the love of Prophet (PBUH). Saeem Chishti has excellent access to vocabulary so his words seem to shine like jewels in the description of subjects. Love for the Holy Prophet is the first condition and this love is seen in the words of Saeem Chishti. He studied the life of the Prophet in depth and in his intellectual and spiritual consciousness. He made almost every aspect of the attributes of the Prophet the subject of his Naat. Saeem Chishti's works is a great source of Naatiya literature which will benefit the reader of all times.