1. Global Syndrome; The Critique of Incurable Pandemic. گلوبل سنڈروم ؛ وبائے بے درماں کا تنقیدیہ
Author(s) : Dr. Saadat Saeed. ڈاکٹر سعادت سعید
Language is a mysterious reality. Its pivotal point is sign or word. Sign contains abstraction. Writers use these signs for their indications, hints and suggestions. Through these signs speakers of various languages can reflect universe around them on the canvases of their minds. A poet, through his imagination based on these signs can foresee the world of possibilities. We can depict our aims through writing and speaking these signs. Poets and writers claim that their creative or literary works could be interpreted dimensionally. More over anyone by implying his or her mind can also interpret them in a different way. Associations of ideas are capable of visualizing things in parts and totality. If any theorist surpasses the real aims of writers and poets, it could be said he is not fair to his deeds. Various critics belong to the traditions of modernism and postmodernism do not judge fairly the texts under their studies.