2. AFRA BUKHARI: A Knowe of Human Nature. انسانی فطرت کی نباض ۔عفراء بخاری

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2. AFRA BUKHARI: A Knowe of Human Nature. انسانی فطرت کی نباض ۔عفراء بخاری

Author(s) : Dr. Sohail Mumtaz Khan./ Dr. Muhammad Kamran.

“Afra Bukhari” is a distinguished Short story writer of our age, who in a subtle and delicate way, portrayed the true picture of human feelings and its nature. She is an ardent interpreter of human psyche and she really worked hard to analyze human mind and emotions, while expounding different situations of life, especially when it is in agony and distress. She never ceases her efforts to enumerate multiple traumas of life which our beleaguered society faces, daily or routinely. For this, she especially highlighted the very concerns of our downtrodden, lower class and their pathetic matters in which they are leading their lives from one generation to other. She rightly embarked on those parts of our society, which are vulnerable, the women and children. A number of stories are directly linked with this very cause and she masterly elaborated their problems, tragedies and our bitter behavior, towards them. We can witness a big division in her stories and that is, that sensitive, harmless and good nature people are being deceived, marginalized and suffered at the hands of cunning, shrewd and callous people. Afra has a unique blend of writing style and she tried to paraphrase human nature and its jumble thinking in a lucid, impressive way. She cannot be overlooked in any way.