9. Mixture of Nature in the Evolution of Iqbal's Poetry. اقبال کی شاعری کے ارتقاء میں فطرت کی آمیزش

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9. Mixture of Nature in the Evolution of Iqbal's Poetry. اقبال کی شاعری کے ارتقاء میں فطرت کی آمیزش

Author(s) : Dr. Rubina Yasmeen./ Dr. Rani Begum.

Allama Muhammad Iqbal's poetry is very important compared to earlier, contemporary and later poetry. One of the reasons for this is that he made naturalism the main theme of his poetry. Iqbal is not only a naturalist poet, but he had also tried to make nature a revealed reality and besides being inspired and dedicated by the beauty of nature, he had taken the task of revealing the facts of life. He considered the beauty of nature as a source of insights related to man and humanity. Thus, according to Iqbal, the phenomena of nature has become the manifestations of different realities and insights. The article under review is the description of this summary.